Thursday, May 21, 2009

American Idle

Established after the Civil War as Decoration Day, the term Memorial Day took precedence after World War II. Memorial Day heralds summertime, and the leisure is easy.  Before the 19th century, the concept of leisure existed only for the upper classes.

From the Latin licere meaning to be permitted, leisure is a relatively new concept. Since the mid-19th century, the time Americans' spend at work has declined. The paradigm of work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep etc.  was broken. Man's imagination endeavored to occupy these ancillary hours.

Technology developed gadgets to fill our leisure time. Electricity brought the light bulb, radio and then the golden calf of inactivity - television. TV, cell phones, DVDs, video games, personal computers, face book, twitter have mutated our idle time into a false idol. Sociologists call these new diversions transcendental vegetation. Simple joys like reading and walking have become vestigial

Celebrate this Memorial Day with a walk or bike ride. Jump rope, twirl a hula-hoop, shoot marbles, play jacks or hopscotch. Think of it as Luddite kitsch - as ever BB

"They talk of the dignity of work. Bosh! The dignity is in leisure." - Herman Melville

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