Tuesday, May 25, 2010

World's Most Popular

Football, not the gargantuan of American television but the international sensation we know as soccer, is the planet's most popular sport. From June 11 to July 11, millions of excited fans will focus on the World Cup in South Africa.

Ancient Chinese and Japanese texts mention a ball game using only the feet and head. The Romans enjoyed a similar pastime. The sport's acceptance took time. In 14th century England, King Edward III outlawed the sport as a public nuisance. Queen Elizabeth I levied punishments of up to 27 days incarceration for playing football. Times changed and 250 years later, England formalized the rules of game we know today.

Gaga Marketing embraces the world's most popular sport and sponsors the Rangers FC, a 1st Division Futbol Club based in Washington, DC. As of last weekend, they are in first place with a record of 5-0!

As World Cup fever raises the temperature of fans around the globe, you don't have to endure the hassle of international travel to enjoy world-class soccer. Just check out the next Gaga Rangers game. - As ever BB

"To say that these men paid their shillings to watch twenty-two hirelings kick a ball is merely to say that a violin is wood and catgut, that Hamlet is so much paper and ink." - J.B. Priestley

Friday, May 21, 2010

Canyon Believe They're Doing This?

Mark Elmore, Gaga's arduous adventurer, along with his intrepid mates will attempt to climb down the Grand Canyon, cross it, climb up the other side, camp and then do it back again the next day. A Herculean task to say the least.

It's all for a good cause. The link below explains it better than I. Please be generous and support this noble cause.

La Bonne Chance brave champions- as ever BB

"I attempt an arduous task; but there is no worth in that which is not a difficult achievement." - Ovid

Click this link for more information


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Days lengthen, nights shorten, the summer solstice is nigh. My natal anniversary precedes the solstice by several days. The American male's average lifespan is 75.6 years. Statistically speaking that puts me in the game of life's final quarter.

Shuffling off this mortal coil has never concerned me. Perhaps, it's my fascination with philosophy. Why worry about the end of existence when I'm not even sure what existence is? The ontological starting point for western philosophy is Descartes' phrase, "I think therefore I am." Popeye said, "I yam what I yam and that's all I yam." What about the existence of the sweet potato?

Many Eastern philosophies believe existence is an illusion. The Buddhist concept of anatta, non-self, negates worries over material and physical being. The Buddha did not deny self, but denied the phenomenality of self. An enlightened person transforms from insignificant self to bhavit-atto (one of significant self). Try working that into a birthday card.

Many say the final quarter of a professional basketball game is the most exciting. That is what I expect of my final quarter. Life proceeds whether the Primal Bingo Caller's next ball is 2B or not 2B. As ever - BB

"Swift as a shadow, short as any dream, brief as the lightning in the collied night." - William Shakespeare from A Midsummer's Night Dream