Friday, April 3, 2009

Yo Banana Boy

Today's title is a palindrome; playful words or phrases that when read backward read the same as forward. The word, from the Greek (palin - back & dromos - way or direction), was coined by Ben Johnson, English playwright and contemporary of Shakespeare. 

The Romans and Byzantine Greeks had fun with this form. Poems in ancient Sanskrit contain palindromes. One of my favorite sources for them is the "Ballad of Palindrome" by the western swing/cowboy group Riders in the Sky. Even dyslexics can enjoy palindromes! 
Here are some of my favorites:

A man, a plan, a canal - Panama / Tons O snot / Lager sir is regal  / Do geese see God?/  
Madam, I'm Adam / Borrow or rob? / Cigar? Toss it in a can; it is so tragic /
In it ram a martini/ Flee elf! / Evil is as I live 

I've been keeping a list of ones I made up myself, or come across, for years. These should suffice for now- as ever Bob Otto aka Otto Bob 

"To handle a language skillfully is to practice a kind of evocative sorcery." - Charles Baudelaire

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