Monday, August 3, 2009

Remembering Lenny Bruce

August 3, 1966, Lenny Bruce was found dead in the Hollywood Hills. Not just an important figure in the history of comedy, Bruce was a touchstone for the anti-conformist generational upheaval of the 60s. Mixing wit and satire with the improvisation and rhythms of jazz, Bruce strove to shake-up the buttoned-down world of post WWII America.

Some pearls from Lenny:
"If something about the human body disgusts you, complain to the manufacturer."
"Life is a four-letter word."
"Every day people are straying away from the church and going back to God."

Obsession over his persecution based on obscenity charges combined with his deleterious lifestyle prematurely snuffed out a remarkable, creative candle. In retrospect his routines seem tame, but Lenny Bruce stomped on the terra. - as ever BB

"One last four-letter word for Lenny: Dead. At forty. That's obscene."
- Dick Schapp in his Playboy obit of Lenny Bruce

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