Friday, August 14, 2009

Left Out

Yesterday, August 13, was Left Handers Day. Once again it passed virtually unnoticed. No parades, speeches, fireworks, but I expected no less. We lefties are truly the neglected minority. Throughout history, we have received no respect. Instead we have been vilified as products of evil and untrustworthy. The left-handed Marx Brother, Harpo, wasn't even allowed to speak!

The Latin word for left, sinistra, is the root of the English word sinister. The Chinese adjective left means improper. This prejudice is obvious in such idioms of the English language as out in left field and left-handed compliment.

About 8% of the world's population is left-handed. However, southpaws excel in a much larger proportion. From Michelangelo and DaVinci to Escher and Klee, from Mozart and Beethoven to Hendrix and Dylan, Mark Twain, Lewis Carroll, Franz Kafka, the list of illustrious lefties is boundless. 18% of our Presidents have been left-handed. Out of the last seven Presidents only two were right-handed - Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush. I think that makes my point.

Of course there are infamous lefties. Jack the Ripper, Billy the Kid, John Dillinger are less that exemplary, but did show elan and panache.

Show us compassion as we try to cope in your dexterous (from the Latin "on the right") world, and your insidious inventions like scissors, ladles, fountain pens, can-openers, etc. -as ever BB

"The raft of knowledge ferries the worst sinners to safety." the Bhagavad-Gita

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