Before movable-type, the public received its news by word-of-mouth. People assailed travelers with questions about happenings outside of their parochial environs. By the 15th century, the printing press and use of the vernacular expanded information.
Time marches on...radio and newsreels gave life to the headlines. Television brought these images into our homes. In the 50s, national news took 15 minutes out of the programming day. The 60s expanded coverage to a half hour of national combined with a half hour of local news. Over the next decade coverage increased, and the dam broke in 1980 when Ted Turner created CNN.
The news is now major programming and provides networks with millions in advertising dollars. With several 24-hour news providers, the focus is no longer on facts. Broadcasters interpret and opine. They present a myriad of dross as news no matter how inane.
Demagogues rule the airways. Kowtowing to popular desires and prejudices has replaced journalism. Thirty minute press conferences generate hours of analysis. Coiffed talking-heads explain what we heard, how it affects us and what we should think about it. Celebrity peccadilloes prompt hours of coverage.
Integrate this with tweets and social website postings to replace thinking with indoctrination and propaganda. What me worry? - as ever BB
"...the press affords sufficient information to elate vanity and stiffen obstinacy, but little to enlarge the mind." - Dr. Samuel Johnson in the mid-18th century - some things never change!
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