Rebirth, literally to be born again...culturally and historically, it refers to a period from the 14th to the late 16th century in Europe. Renaissance invokes names like Dante, Ghiberti and Da Vinci.
However, today's musing focuses on the esoteric. Amidst piles of snow and ice, thoughts turn to the vernal equinox, Spring, the sweet anticipation of warm sun and gentle rain loosening the icy grip of Ded Moroz. Grandfather Frost's severity this year rouses an atavistic desire to light bonfires on hilltops like the ancient Druids atop Uisneach on Beltane.
Rebirth, winter into spring, death to life symbolized by the egg, an ancient symbol of resurrection. A pagan allegory appropriated by Christians to celebrate the dawning of their faith during Easter. The name derives from Eostre, the Saxon goddess of the dawn and fertility. Coloring eggs goes back to Zoroastrian rites during the festival of Nowruz (New Day - their New Year).
Enough esotericism, now some helpful hints. Boil your eggs in the skin of on onion for an orange tint - the more onion skin used, the rustier the color. Add beet juice and vinegar for a pinkish hue, a cabbage leaf and vinegar for a robin's egg blue. I'd like to see Heloise link Eostre, Beltane, Zoroaster and egg-dying. As ever - BB
"O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?" - Percy Bysshe Shelley
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